Saturday, March 1, 2008


I had a dream last night that all the marching band kids (with a select few non-band kids included), were on a boat, myself included. We were all sucked into a whirlpool. It sounds dumb, I know. But imagine if it was actually happening. A whirlpool. No way out. We all managed to stay on the boat until the very end. The strain from the whirlpool on the boat did something to the oil temperature?? (Probably not possible, this WAS a dream.) annndd the boat caught fire and we all jumped. And then we were all in the water. Screaming. And it felt like it stopped for a minute, but it really didn't. And I was hugging as many people as I could grab onto, trying to get in a sort of goodbye. I trying to choke through the water with an "I LOVE YOU GUYS", but I don't know how many heard me. And then it got faster. We got to the end, and we all went under. And then everyone was dead, and I woke up sobbing.

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